Friday, January 20, 2012

Dot-com Bubble (1995-2000)

What is The Dot Com Bubble?

Let's break the wordings and look at them separately. Dot Com (.com) refers to the domain name of a website. Eg: (;; "com" however literally means  'commercial'. That means it's a commercial website. Although there are a large variety of such domain names (Eg: .edu; .info; .gov; .net) the websites/the internet is generally referred to as the 'dot com' world. 

Then what is a 'Bubble'?

A bubble is a false or unexpected or unnatural surge of equity prices mainly due to high levels of speculation. It causes huge uprising in price levels of stocks without proper fundamental backing. So naturally the bubble will burst at some point and the whole market will collapse.

So The Dot Com Bubble was a similar situation that occurred during 1990s (1995-2000 to be specific) surrounding the highly speculated growth of the Internet. 

Investors have invested massively in Internet based companies with high levels of speculations about their growth in the years to come. 

During the mid-to-late 1990s, Cisco Systems, Dell, Intel, and Microsoft were known as "the Four Horsemen of the NASDAQ" because of their dominant market capitalizations. As the bursting of the Internet bubble approached, Cisco Systems, EMC, Sun Microsystems, and Oracle were known as "the Four Horsemen of the Internet."

During this period many companies were setup with the "e-" (i.e. Internet based) in their business names. Such companies witnessed sky rocketing stock prices. Low interest rates during the period has helped acquisition of more and more capital thus more and more investments. 

According to dot-com theory, an Internet company's survival hung on expanding its customer base as quickly as possible, even if it incurred heavy annual losses. For instance, Google and Amazon did not see any profit in their first years. Amazon was spending on expanding customer base and alerting people to its existence and Google was busy spending on creating more powerful machine capacity to serve its expanding search engine. The phrase "Get large or get lost" was the wisdom of the day.

The Bubble Bursts...

During later 1999 and early 2000, the US Federal Reserves had taken steps to increase the interest rates by nearly 6 times. This affected the pace of the economy and started to loose pace. On 10th March 2000, the NASDAQ composite index peaked at peaked at 5,048.62 (intra-day peak 5,132.52), more than double the value it had just a year back. It shows how fast the bubble had grown. The NASDAQ dropped slightly after that, but this was attributed to correction by most market analysts; the actual reversal and subsequent bear market may have been triggered by the adverse findings of fact in the United States v. Microsoft case which was being heard in federal court. The findings, which declared Microsoft a monopoly, were widely expected in the weeks before their release on April 3. The following day, April 4, the NASDAQ fell from 4,283 points to 3,649 and rebounded back to 4,223, forming an intraday chart that looked like a stretched V.

By 20th March 2000, the NASDAQ had lost almost 10% from it's peak in 10th March 2000. 

After the burst of the bubble many Dot Com companies went bankrupt due to financial burdens. Such companies are  'WorldCom', 'NorthPoint Communications', 'Global Crossing', 'JDS Uniphase', 'XO Communications', and 'Covad Communications'. 

But a few finacially sound companies emerged as giants in the Dot Com industry after the bubble. They are '', 'eBay' and 'Google'. 

References: Wikipedia
                       : Investopedia

Saturday, January 7, 2012

Short Selling - Dealing with Downturn markets..

The world economy is trekking down a rough road. Production is plummeting, agriculture is highly uncertain and services are rising rapidly. So this has affected the Stock markets around the world, obviously. Many markets are experiencing Bearish trends. Keep aside the Bearish markets; are your stocks going down? have you made the wrong decision? Then Short Selling is probably the answer you're looking for. Now that I have your attention, let's dig in deep.

What is Short Selling?

As investors we know how to scrape profits out of the Stock markets. Buy a share at a low/er price hold it till the price rises and sell at a predetermined profit. This is the foundation of stock trading. But what can we do in a down turned market? Well, Short Selling says we can still make profits in a down turned market. 

Short Selling is exactly the opposite of what we discussed above. In simple it's a trading strategy to make profits when a specific stock is decreasing in it's value or going down. 

Long or Short?

When an investor invests in a share expecting the prices to increase in the future, it's known as investing for Long. On the other hand when an investor invests in a share expecting the prices to decrease in the future, it's known as investing for Short. Hence the word play Short Selling is derived. 

The Process... How to Short Sell?

When an investor needs to Short Sell, his broker will lend the specific stocks to him. The stocks may be owned by the broker or another investor of the broker. It doesn;t matter since it's only lending. Then the investor can sell the stocks at the prevailing price. The amount will be credited to his account as usual. However the investor must buy the Shorted stocks again, that's only when the Shorting will be complete. So after some time, when the stock prices have gone further down, the investor can bu back the stocks he sold previously. 

Even though the prices of the stock is going down, the investor sold the lent stocks at a higher price than the price he bought again. Thus the difference being the profit from the overall transaction. Look at the following image for a better understanding.

Risks associated with Short Selling..

Share price movements

Short Selling can only be done if the prices of the share is dropping. If by chance, the share prices increase from the point where you lent them, you'll only end up making losses. Because you have to buy them back at a higher price than what you sold them for.

Margin Trading

Stock Shorting is done on borrowed money. That means money lent from your broker. This has significant risks as we have discussed in previous articles. 

Timing is everything..

This is not particularly a risk related to Short Selling only. However the investor will have to be extra vigilant about the movement of the prices to buy them back at the lowest price possible to maximize the profits. 


Short Selling is a process that could help an investor in uncertain or Bearish markets. Use the knowledge with care and you'll be able to squeeze profits out of almost all the market conditions.

Happy Trading!!!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Online Stock Trading

What is Online Trading?

This is the latest trend in Stock trading, where share transactions are done via your computer connected to the Internet and your stock broker. 

Online trading will give the investor immense freedom, to do whatever he wants with the money he has invested. Most brokers provide this sort of facility and with some knowledge on the Stock market, one can do his own trading and be a self-made millionaire. 

How is it done?

Today almost all the brokering firms are willing to provide online trading facilities to their investors. For them it could reduce their work load and also take off the risk of managing the portfolio. However for a keen investor Online Trading can be of alot useful. 

When requested for the Online trading facility from your stock broker, they will provide you with a software to access the stock market via the broker. The most used software and the best software for this would be DirectFN Pro. It provides real-time access to the market and hence ideal for Day Trading purposes as well. DirectFN provides real time charts, graphs and many technical analysis tools. So it can be identified as an all-in-one tool for stock trading. For more information visit

Another massively useful software fro Technical Analysis. It specializes on providing the best Technical analysis tools to make a better decision in trading stocks. For more information and screenshots visit here.

The above mentioned sorftware can be freely downloaded from the links given below.
Happy Trading.

To download DirectFN Pro click HERE.
To download AmiBroker 5.3 click HERE.
To download AmiBroker 5.3 Crack click HERE.